When your intrepid blogger last wrote here, it was about learning tough lessons about overuse the hard way. Not hard enough, so it seems.
Despite feeling very sensible about taking a few days off and easing myself back in, I wasn't really sensible. Not at all.
My first run back, my foot was getting sore by the end of the run.
My first long run back, I cut my route short because things were starting to hurt.
I continued to slowly increase mileage despite these clear signals that I hadn't really recovered.
So my body sent some much clearer pain signals yesterday, and we're back to square one. Time off. More of it this time, and a promise (which hopefully I'll keep this time) to listen to my body a bit more closely when I lace up again in a couple of weeks.
Speaking of which, just after getting home and updating TrainingPeaks to reflect my upcoming 'unplanned rest', the doorbell rang, and these showed up.

I'm not going to enjoy these couple of weeks ...